A new attempt by PWA, “JOURNAL”.
We will share a variety of information, including interviews and the reviews of new items.
今回お届けするのは、8th Collectionより、フィフスデリバリーのアイテムたちについて。写真家・有本 怜生氏による撮り下ろし写真とともに、ぜひともお楽しみください。
In this release, we present the fifth delivery of items from the 8th Collection. Please enjoy them along with the newly photographed images by photographer Leo Arimoto.

中綿にThinsulate(高機能中綿)を搭載しつつ、キルティングのデザインをあしらった、あたたかなシャツジャケット『QUILTED PUFFY SHIRT』。フロントにはスナップボタンを採用し、高い着脱性を叶えています。フラップ付きの胸ポケットと身頃のスラッシュポケット、内側ポケット等、計6つを配した便利な仕様の一着です。
The QUILTED PUFFY SHIRT is a warm shirt jacket featuring Thinsulate, a thin yet highly insulating material, combined with a quilted design. The front snap buttons allow for easy wear and removal. With four convenient pockets, including flap chest pockets and slash pockets on the body, this jacket is designed for practicality.
To ensure a comfortable feel and reduce any discomfort from layering, the inner cuffs, collar, and collar stand are crafted with tech corduroy known for its soft touch, giving a carefully refined finish.
一見派手に見えるイエローは、Delivery 4にて登場した『FADED 14W RIDGE SLACKS』 のような優しげな印象のボトムスと合わせることで、その主張を穏やかにまとめるのが良さそう。オリーブの一着は、Delivery 1でお届けした『HEAVY KANOKO HENRYNECK P/O』のような静かにデザインが効いたインナーを合わせ、落ち着いたマッチングで楽しむのがきっと素敵でしょう。
The seemingly bold yellow can be nicely balanced by pairing it with softer, gentle-toned bottoms like the "FADED 14W RIDGE SLACKS" from Delivery 4, which tones down its striking appearance. For the olive piece, consider pairing it with a subtly designed inner layer like the "HEAVY KANOKO HENRYNECK P/O" from Delivery 1 to enjoy it in a calm combination.
POLARTECマイクロフリースを採用したハーフジップジャケット『POLARTEC RELAX P/O JACKET』と、共生地のパンツ『POLARTEC RELAX PT』は、晴れやかな秋冬のムードによくマッチするセットアップとして活躍してくれます。
The "POLARTEC RELAX P/O JACKET," a half-zip jacket made with POLARTEC microfleece, and the matching pants, "POLARTEC RELAX PT," make for a versatile set that perfectly complements the bright mood of autumn and winter.
Both items incorporate outdoor-inspired elements such as zip pockets on the chest and body, as well as a reflective cord with an adjustable hem at the jacket’s base, while featuring an urban vibe with charcoal gray and black color options.
Take note of the exceptional warmth provided by POLARTEC micro fleece. These pieces are perfect as a set, but also versatile enough to be worn individually.
『(イエローのキルティングジャケットは)正直言うと、自分のわがままなんだよね』と、ほのかに微笑をたたえて話す、PWAデザイナー・増田。意匠が際立ちすぎないクリエイションの中に、ブランドとしての “わがまま”、その “こだわり” をぎゅっと詰め込んだ、8th Collection。
"To be honest, it (the yellow quilted jacket) is just me being a little selfish," says PWA designer Masuda with a faint smile. Within creations that don’t overly stand out, the 8th Collection is packed with the brand's "touch of selfishness"—its unwavering "dedication."
気温の低下と反比例するかのように、ファッションに関する熱は、きっと上がっていくばかり。やっとアウターレイヤリングを十分に楽しめる季節がやってきました。そんなみなさまの想いにひっそりと寄り添うPWAの8th Collectionアイテムたち、ぜひともお楽しみいただけると幸いです。
As if inversely proportional to the drop in temperature, the enthusiasm for fashion will surely only grows stronger. Finally, the season which we can fully enjoy outer layering has arrived. We hope you will enjoy the items from PWA's 8th Collection, designed to quietly accompany your excitement for this season.
Photo:Leo Arimoto
Text:Nozomu Miura