A new attempt by PWA, “JOURNAL”.
We will share a variety of information, including interviews and the reviews of new items.

今回お届けするのは、8th Collectionより、ファースト・セカンドデリバリーとなるアイテムたちについて。写真家・有本 怜生氏による撮り下ろし写真とともに、ぜひともお楽しみください。
In this release, we present the first and second delivery of items from the 8th Collection. Please enjoy them along with the newly photographed images by photographer Leo Arimoto.
A shirt blouson made from original Japanese check fabric. The bouncy, dry-touch material provides a comfortable feel against the skin. It features a zip-up front and raglan sleeves, offering a wide silhouette that captures the autumn breeze.
A half-zip sweat polo shirt made from heavyweight Kanoko sweatshirt fabric. Using carefully knitted original fabric (ordered from a fabric factory in Wakayama, Japan), this polo shirt features a unique, sturdy texture.
A design that feels like something seen somewhere, sometime. It brings a sudden wave of nostalgia. Enjoy the gentle and familiar design along with the comfortable touch of the original fabric.
同じく8th Collectionにラインナップしたデニムトラウザー(LOOSE DENIM TROUSERS)と合わせて、シンプルかつノーブルな装いにまとめてみるのも、きっと素敵でしょう。
Pairing it with the denim trousers from the 8th Collection (LOOSE DENIM TROUSERS) will surely create a simple yet noble look.
前段でご紹介した『HEAVY KANOKO H/Z POLO』の、ヘンリーネックバージョン。腹部にあしらわれたシンプルなボールドラインの切り替えにより、一見、古着のような親しみやすさを備えた一着に。秋冬の装いによくマッチする、穏やかな中間色の色味が特徴です。
The Henley neck version of the 'HEAVY KANOKO H/Z POLO' introduced earlier.The simple bold line on the abdomen creates a familiar, vintage-like look. It features a mild neutral color that matches well with autumn and winter outfits.
A “Henley-neck sweatshirt” is the life-sized item that can be worn with a relaxed mindset without being unpretentious. Instead of describing it in detail, you might discover its appeal best by trying it on yourself.

A denim trousers made from a roughly woven fabric that brings out the softness and fluffiness unique to cotton. The material is puffed and comfortable to the skin.

The side pockets with flaps are a subtle point of emphasis. While maintaining a workwear context, the item is also finished with a touch of understated elegance.

Denim that complements your everyday wardrobe. These are the kind of pants you will find yourself wearing everyday. Although this is an autumn/winter release, the comfortable material makes it a pair that can be enjoyed all year round

While it pairs well with chic items like polo shirts and dress shirts, it is also recommended to style it with intentionally casual tops or outerwear. These pants offer versatility beyond their appearance.
The question of “Which item should be the star of the show” is a fashion proposition. It is unlikely that PWA's clothes will ever become the “star”.
突飛なデザイン、奇抜なアプローチ、至極斬新な意匠。そのような類のものたちを携えることは決してなく、あくまで「人に寄り添うツール(道具)」としての衣服、そのプレゼンスを保ち続けます。PWAによる8th Collection、引き続きご期待のうえ、お待ちください。
Outlandish designs, extravagant approaches, and extremely innovative concepts. These will never be part of the PWA lineup and the focus remains on clothing as a “tool that complements people”, maintaining its presence as such. Please continue to look forward to and await the 8th Collection from PWA.