A new attempt by PWA, “JOURNAL”.
We will share a variety of information, including interviews and the reviews of new items.
As "Vol. 0", we are introducing a reception party for the photography book titled "NEW/YORK" by Masahiro Takai, a photographer based in New York, which was released on June 28th, 2024. Here is the quote from the summary of this book.
In December 2019, the first patient infected with COVID-19 was reported. In a few months, the infection spread throughout the world and turned into an unprecedented situation. Takai himself lived in New York City.
This is the collection of photographs taken by Takai, who has been living in the U.S for 20 years, spent a year and a half with a mask to capture the rapid changes in the city of New York due to the pandemic.
2021年にブルックリンのSpoonbill Bookstoreで初版発売。今回、日本での発売にあたりアートディレクター里健太郎(STUDIO FUNNEL)を迎え、リエディットを行いました。
The first edition of the book was published at the Spoonbill Bookstore in Brooklyn in 2021. The art director Kentaro Sato (STUDIO FUNNEL) was invited and reedited for its release in Japan.

PWAの5th Collection、7th Collectionにて、高井氏がルック撮影を手がけてくださったというご縁もあり、今回、PWAが運営するコンセプトショップ『moves』にてローンチイベントを開催しました。ここでは、そんなローンチイベントとレセプションの様子をご紹介します。
The launch event was held at "moves", the concept store which PWA is operating, due to the connection that Mr. Takai was in charge of the look photography of PWA's 5th and 7th collection. Here we introduce the launch event and reception.
夏特有の長い雨が降りしきるなかにも関わらず、多くの方々がご来場くださった本イベント。ビアショップ『CITY ORIGIN』が提供するお酒を片手に微笑みながら写真集を眺めるみなさまの、ゆったり燃え揺れるような愛を感じられた一日となりました。
Despite the long summer rain, many people stopped by this event. This was the day of warmth and swaying love from the people smiling and watching photography book, drinking beer provided by the beer shop "CITY ORIGIN".

なお、今回のJOURNALは “第0弾” としてリリースしていますが、次回は “第一弾” として、写真集『NEW/YORK』を手がけた写真家・高井雅裕氏へのインタビューをお届けする予定です。それでは、写真集『NEW/YORK』のレセプションパーティーのご様子をお楽しみください。
Additionally, this JOURNAL has been released as "Vol.0". For the next issue of "Vol.1", we will deliver an interview with photographer Masahiro Takai, the publisher of the photograph book "NEW/YORK". Then, please enjoy the atmosphere of the reception party.

Photo:Leo Arimoto
Text:Nozomu Miura