A new attempt by PWA, “JOURNAL”.
We will share a variety of information, including interviews and the reviews of new items.
今回お届けするのは、8th Collectionより、サード・フォースデリバリーとなるアイテムたちについて。写真家・有本 怜生氏による撮り下ろし写真とともに、ぜひともお楽しみください。
In this release, we present the third and fourth delivery of items from the 8th Collection. Please enjoy them along with the newly photographed images by photographer Leo Arimoto.

Reversible vest with high-performance “Thinsulate” padding. The outer side (as seen in the photo) features a high-density taslan fabric with breathable and water-repellent properties, along with convenient hand-warmer pockets. The reverse side uses a high-density nylon taffeta fabric with highly water-resistant, incorporating three zippered pockets.
アウトドアユースにも便利な機能性・利便性を備えつつ、タウンユースの際にも悪目立ちしない。まさしくPWAがレプリゼントする “人に寄り添うツール(道具)としての衣服” の考えに準じた一着となっています。
While offering functionality and convenience for outdoor use, it remains subtle enough for everyday wear in the city. It is truly a piece of clothing that conforms to the idea of “clothing as a tool that complements people,” which is what PWA represents.
2. Complete-Fit 12.5oz CREW, H/Z HOODIE

穏やかな色と、その適度な主張性。そして、最適な機能性。“良いプロダクト” とは、それらの塩梅を健やかに保つものであると考えます。昨年に引き続き、8th Collectionでもリリースされる『Complete-Fit 12.5oz』は、まさしくそのプレゼンスを表現すべく制作されたアイテムと呼べるでしょう。
Calm colors, balanced subtlety, and optimal functionality. A ‘good product’ is one that maintains these elements in perfect harmony. The ‘Complete-Fit 12.5oz,’ which will be released again in the 8th Collection following last year, can be considered an item created precisely to embody this presence.

Referencing vintage sweatshirts, each piece is made with a brushed lining fabric. Ribbed side panels are added, with side pockets on the crewneck sweatshirt, and a kangaroo pocket with an internal zip pocket on the half-zip hoodie.

カラーは、(写真上から)STONE, PURPLE, DEEP FOREST, BLACKの4種を展開。日々のスタイリングにひっそりと寄り添うような色から、装いの名脇役になりうる色まで、さまざまカラーリングをご用意しています。
The colors come in four varieties: STONE, PURPLE, DEEP FOREST, and BLACK (from top to bottom in the photo). The selection offers a range of colors, from those that subtly complement everyday styling to those that can play a supporting role in your outfits.

A beanie made from 100% wool yarn and produced in a Japanese factory. It is knit with a slightly coarse gauge, giving it a distinctive firmness and elasticity. The color variations are MOCHA (on the left in the photo) and NAVY (on the right). The mid-tone colors are chosen to easily match fall and winter outfits.

The line at the folded cuff adds a crisp accent to any styling.

“It might be convenient to hang it by the entrance like this,” says photographer Arimoto. It's an extremely practical beanie, perfect for naturally grabbing on the way out for a casual outing.

2-tuck slacks made from fine-wale (14-wale) sulfur-dyed corduroy. The fabric features a slightly faded appearance, achieved through special dyeing and processing techniques.

These corduroy pants have a slightly wide silhouette, making them easy to pair with various items. They feature zip pockets on both sides, resulting in not only a good-looking design but also a high level of functionality. With a soft appearance, they are easy to match with sweatshirts, shirts, hoodies and all kinds of tops.

A stand-collar half coat inspired by jackets designed for forest keepers that were distributed in the 1980s. This piece features a more modern interpretation of the original item.

The outer material is made from nylon oxford with a cotton-like texture, enhancing durability, breathability, and water resistance. Additionally, vintage processing gives this piece an appearance that feels as if it has been cherished for many years.
The 11 pockets, large and small, are also a convenient point. It’s so functional that one might feel it’s not even necessary to carry anything at all.

The lining is made from a Japanese micro-grid check material, while the inside of the collar and cuffs is adorned with soft, skin-friendly tech corduroy (made from functional polyester).
While the design may have a slightly rustic appearance, each detail incorporates urban and accessible functionality. This piece is sure to shine in autumn and winter styling.
“匿名的” であること。PWAのアイテムそれぞれにあしらったデザインには、決して派手なものはありません。一見どのブランドのアイテムなのか判断しかねるほど、きわめて匿名的なデザインアプローチ、そのアティチュードを備えます。
Being ‘anonymous’. The designs incorporated into each PWA item are never flashy. They feature an extremely anonymous design approach, to the point where it can be difficult to determine which brand the items belong to.
それぞれの人間に宿る個性を、取り立てて拡張するのでなく、大げさに背中を押すのでもなく、ただ、ともに “寄り添う” こと。そんなマインドの体現として、8th Collectionのアイテム群があります。ぜひとも引き続きご期待ください。
The aim is to not overly enhance or exaggerate the individuality inherent in each person but rather to simply ‘accompany’ them. This mindset is embodied in the items of the 8th Collection. Please continue to look forward to it.
Photo:Leo Arimoto
Text:Nozomu Miura