A new attempt by PWA, “JOURNAL”.
We will share a variety of information, including interviews and the reviews of new items.
As the fifth feature, we present Gen Kono, a woodworking artist, who appeared in Issue 03 (“LOCALISM” theme) of “PPAPERS,” an independent magazine published annually by PWA. Based in Matsuyama, Ehime Prefecture, Kawano continues his craft, and we interviewed him about what has changed since the initial coverage in 2023, as well as what he has consistently remained passionate about.
ー 2023年11月3日のPPAPERS -ISSUE03- 発刊から、1年と少々(2024年12月現在)。今日は改めてよろしくお願いします。あの頃から変わらないことと言えば、どんなものが挙げられますか?
— It has been just over a year since PPAPERS ISSUE03 was published on November 3, 2023 (as of December 2024). Thank you for joining us again today. Let’s start with something that hasn’t changed since then—what would you say it is?

Kono: Thank you for having me. One thing that hasn’t changed is my workshop. I’m still creating my works in Matsuyama, Ehime Prefecture. While the general area hasn’t changed, I did move my workshop to a location about five minutes away by car.
ー 移動した先は、どんな場所ですか?
— What kind of place did you move to?

Kono:The production environment has not changed at all, but we have moved deeper into the mountains, so, for example, it is harder to get a signal from a smartphone. With less information coming in, I find it easier to focus on my craft, which I really appreciate.
ー 誰とも話さない日があったり……?
— Are there days when you don’t talk to anyone?
Kono: That’s exactly it. I rarely have visitors anymore.
ー そもそも、木工作品の制作は、一日にどれぐらいおこなっているのでしょうか?
— How many hours a day do you usually spend on your woodworking?
Kono: From around 7 AM to about 6 PM, I’d say.
ー PPAPERS -ISSUE03- においても『一日中作業をしています』と話してくれましたよね。
ー In “PPAPERS -ISSUE03-,” you said that you work “all day long”, right?

Kono: That’s right, listening to music while I work. Speaking of which, the genre of music I listen to has changed drastically since then. Now I often listen to classical music. I’ve lost interest in the DJ activities I used to do.
ー それは、どうして?
ー Why is that?

Kono: It is because I started wanting to focus more on an “artistic path.” I felt that juggling multiple things at once didn’t quite resonate with me anymore. I want to channel all my energy into woodworking, into art itself.
ー ちなみに今は、どんな音楽を?
— So, what kind of music do you listen to now?
Kono: Mostly works by Beethoven.
ー テクノやハウスのDJ活動をおこなっていた時期から、これまたかなり急ですよね。
— That’s quite a leap from the techno and house music you used to DJ.

Kono: I wanted to review the history as I continue my woodworking as an artistic activity.
It was during this time that I decided to try listening to classical music, and I felt a tremendous rush in my heart. I felt that “this must be what I am listening to now,” and since then, I have been listening to classical music exclusively.
ー そもそも、西洋美術について勉強しようと思ったきっかけは?
ーWhat made you decide to study Western art in the first place?
Kono: In February 2024, It was when I visited an artist living in a small town about an hour's drive from Paris, and I was deeply influenced by him. He’s also originally from Ehime and has been pursuing his art there for over 50 years. I stayed at his atelier for two weeks, and during that time, I learned about the importance of “spirituality” in art.
ー 芸術を志す上での、精神性の大切さ。
— The importance of spirituality in art.

Kono: He spent all his time painting, living without any other leisure activities. He even gave me lessons in painting.
ー 木工作品の制作ではなく、絵の指導を。
— Painting lessons instead of woodworking?
Kono: Actually, he was the one who gave me lessons when I was trying to pass the entrance exam for art school.10 years later, I decided I wanted to work as his assistant, so I visited him. I told him, “I’ll do anything, even just cleaning.” But the first thing he said to me was, “Here are 30 sheets of paper—paint something on each of them.”
ー 唐突に30枚の絵を描けと言われても、なかなかそう簡単にはできないですよね。
ーIt’s certainly not easy to suddenly be told to draw 30 pieces of art, is it?

Kono: Exactly. Though I have a background in painting as well as woodworking, I had no idea what to paint. But I knew I couldn’t move forward without completing those 30 sheets. So, I dove in, finishing them all in two to three hours.
ー 芸術家の方は、その絵たちを見てなんと仰ったのでしょうか?
— What did he say when he saw your work?

Kono: He only said “You only do what you’re capable of.”
ー それは、かなりグッときますね。
— That’s quite impactful.
「自分にできることばっかりやってても、それはただの “なぞり” であって、コピーだよ。手慣れた手法ばかりやっていても、成長することはない。勇気を持ってそれを毀(こわ)すことが必要なんだ」と。
Kono: Indeed, all 30 pieces have my lines drawn that even I could tell that they were painted by me. When he saw them, he said, “You have to break out of your shell.” That's what he told me just seeing 30 sheets. Then he continued.
"If you only do what you're capable of, that's just 'tracing'—a copy. Sticking to familiar methods won't lead to growth. There comes a time when you need the courage to break away from that."
ー 自分の殻を破り、できることだけでなく、そもそもやろうともしなかったことに手を伸ばすこと。
ーBreaking out of one's shell and reaching for things not only within one's capability but also those never even attempted before.

Kono: There is a painting technique called "automatism," which is based on the premise of "moving your hands before thinking with your head." By engaging in this process, you can encounter a version of yourself—and creations—you never expected. Having the courage to break your shell, destroy your work, and rebuild it. Letting go completely, even if only once. I’ve learned the importance of such actions.
ー それはまさしく、精神性ですよね。
—That is exactly the spirituality.
Kono: Yes, that’s right. Although "automatism" is one technique, I feel it can also be understood as a way of being spiritually.
ー その技法や考えが、絵だけでなく、木工作品にも活きた部分はありますか?
Kono:Do you think that this technique or idea is applied not only to painting, but also to woodworking?

Kono:In wood carving as well as in painting, there is a strong sense that I am looking for something unexpected. I admit that I’m still not very skilled in handling the chisels I use for carving. I often overcut, and the wood ends up cracking. At such times, there is definitely something about the "breakage" that makes me realize something.
ー 毀(こわ)れたことによって気付かされる、何か。
—Something you realize because of the breakages.
Kono: When I reach a point where I think, "There’s nothing more I can do," I might suddenly try stacking the broken pieces or experimenting with combinations I hadn’t planned. As a result, it sometimes leads to incredibly interesting shapes.
ー 自分の範疇を超えた部分に到達する、といった感覚ですか?
—Would you say it’s a sense of reaching beyond your own boundaries?

Kono: Exactly. I describe it as "God dwelling there." Not in a religious sense, but rather the feeling of being guided to an unexpected place or design.
I also feel a similar sensation in the back-and-forth between "carving wood" and "drawing." Until now, woodworking made up the majority of my work, but I’ve also been painting just as much recently.

Kono: There are things that I notice by going back and forth between these two seemingly completely different approaches to expression. There are moments when I feel like something invisible helps me recognize something new.
ー 作ることは、同時に、毀すことでもある。破壊と再構築を繰り返すことによって、自身として思いもよらなかったアプローチに辿り着くことも。
—Creating is, at the same time, destroying. Repeating destruction and reconstruction can lead you to approaches you never imagined.

河野:だからこそ僕は、自分が書いた絵や彫った作品に対して「題名」を付けたくないのかもしれません。僕がある種、エゴ的に題名をつけてしまうと、見てくれた人の中に先入観が生まれてしまうから。「題名」を通じて “構築” してしまうがゆえに、その殻を破壊したり破ったりすることが困難になってしまう。
Kono:That may be why I do not want to give "titles" to my drawings and sculptures. If I give them titles in a kind of egoistic way, people who see them will have preconceived ideas about them. By "constructing" through a title, it becomes harder to destroy or break free from that shell.
To be honest, I don’t even understand why I draw certain lines. My paintings and woodwork don’t have a particular motif. They’re almost like "nothing in particular." That’s why it’s not so much that I "don’t explain" them as I "can’t explain" them. I want to call what remains after removing as much of my ego as possible "my work."
In March 2025, I’m planning to hold a solo exhibition of drawings in my hometown of Matsuyama. At the same time, moves will continue to showcase and sell my woodworking pieces and paintings. I’d be delighted if people could enjoy them.

ー とても面白い話、ありがとうございます。アンコントローラブルな自分、あるいは作品の揺れ、そこに神の息吹を見出すことの豊かさ。そして、エゴを無くした先に見つかる「己の作品」について。本当に素敵だなぁと感じました。最後に「これまでずっと変わらなかったもの」について、聞かせてください。
—Thank you for sharing such an interesting story. The richness of finding divinity in the uncontrollable aspects of yourself and your work, and the idea of discovering "your own creations" after shedding ego—this is truly inspiring. Lastly, could you tell us about something that has remained unchanged throughout?

Kono: I quit DJing, and I also quit smoking, which I loved dearly. Both were because I wanted to focus on my craft. I realized I didn’t have time for distractions.
Because of that, I believe "what has remained unchanged" is the act of creating itself. While my approach and mentality have gradually evolved, the act of "making" has not changed at all. My gratitude toward those around me has also stayed constant. Until now, and from now on.
Photo:Shoichiro Kato
Text:Nozomu Miura