9th Collection -Delivery 1 & 2

JOURNAL vol.7 <br>9th Collection -Delivery 1 & 2


A new attempt by PWA, “JOURNAL”.
We will share a variety of information, including interviews and the reviews of new items.

今回お届けするのは、9th Collectionより、ファースト・セカンドデリバリーのアイテムたちについて。写真家・Aya Ogasawaraによる撮り下ろし写真とともに、ぜひともお楽しみください。

In this release, we present the first and second delivery of items from the 9th Collection. Please enjoy them along with the newly photographed images by photographer Aya Ogasawara.



まるでコットンを思わせるかのような、ドライなタッチが特徴のポリエステルを使用して作った、トラベルジャケット。適度にリラクシングなシルエットに仕上げることで、文字通り “肩肘張らず” 着用できる一着に。

A travel jacket crafted from polyester with a crisp, dry touch that feels almost like cotton. Designed with a moderately relaxed silhouette, it offers a genuinely “laid-back” yet refined look.

内側にはジップ付きのポケットを2つ配し、ちょっとした旅行の際にも便利に活用できるディテールを加えました。モデル名にある “POLYVALENT(複数の機能や能力を持つ、多目的の)” にふさわしく、旅行にはもちろん、日々のカジュアルシーンや少しフォーマルなシーンにおいても着用できる、マルチな一着となっています。

Inside, you’ll find two zippered pockets, adding a functional edge for travel essentials. True to its name, "POLYVALENT" (multi-functional, versatile), this jacket is designed for a seamless transition from casual city strolls to slightly dressier occasions.


前段の『POLYVALENT TRAVEL JKT』と共生地(コットンオックスのような手触りのポリエステル)で作られたスラックス。ジャケットと同じく、カチッとした装いだけでなく、日常的にも着用できるよう、リラックスフィットに仕上げています。

Slacks crafted from the same polyester fabric as the "POLYVALENT TRAVEL JKT", which has a cotton oxford-like texture. Just like the jacket, these slacks are tailored with a relaxed fit, ensuring they are not limited to structured outfits but can also be worn casually.


Made from high-performance polyester with moisture-wicking, quick-drying fabric that keeps you comfortable, even when caught in unexpected rain. Another key point is the use of a thick fabric, making these slacks highly practical, all-season wardrobe staple.



PWAのアイテムを着られる多くの方々から、これまで何度もいただいていたのが「UNIHOME-02, 03の生地を使用したアウターが欲しい」という声。9th Collectionでは、そんなご要望に沿うようなアイテムがラインナップ。UNIHOME-02, 03に使用しているリサイクルポリエステルを使って作ったアウター『UNIHOME-06』です。

Many who have worn PWA pieces have repeatedly voiced one particular request: “We want outerwear made from the same fabric as UNIHOME-02 and 03.” For the 9th Collection, we’ve answered that call with the UNIHOME-06, a jacket crafted from the same recycled polyester used in UNIHOME-02 and 03.

両胸に大きめのポケットを取り付けつつ、着丈はすっきりコンパクトに仕上げた一着。あくまでシンプルなデザインにまとめているものの、UNIHOME-02, 03とのセットアップで着用いただくだけでなく、他のさまざまなアイテムともマッチしやすいよう、クリーンな表情に仕上げています。

This piece features large chest pockets while maintaining a clean and compact silhouette. Though its design remains simple, making it not only ideal for pairing with UNIHOME-02 and 03 but also easy to style with a wide range of other outfits.




This coat takes inspiration from half coats released by casual brands in the 1980s and 90s. Changing the fabric to a Japanese-made, paper-like high-density cotton-nylon taffeta that adds a natural wrinkle effect. Despite its structured look, the coat is surprisingly lightweight, and makes for a great spring piece.

「もともと、この “TEXAS ORANGE” の色味が大好きでした。こんな鮮やかなオレンジを、なんでもないブルーデニムに合わせるスタイルで着てみたいなぁ、と。シワがついても味になるような生地を使用しているので、バッグにしのばせておけば何かと便利に使っていただけると思います」

Designer Masuda says, “I’ve always loved this ‘TEXAS ORANGE’ color. I wanted to pair such a bright orange with simple blue denim. The fabric naturally develops character as it wrinkles, so you can easily stash it in your bag and pull it out whenever needed.”


It features flap pockets with hidden zip pockets. PWA staff member Miyu jokingly noted, “For allergy sufferers like me, it’s great for keeping tissues!”


A truly ideal piece for spring, this coat offers practical design elements, including:

An adjustable waist silhouette with a drawcord

Various pockets on the inside and outside

A double-zip feature for added versatility

With functionality seamlessly woven into its lightweight design, this coat is ready to be enjoyed in countless ways.



こちらの『H/G SORTED SWEAT SHIRT』は、日本の老舗ニッターによって編み立てられた特別なハイゲージ裏毛を使用し、製作した一着。手触りは薄手ながらも、目が詰まっており、さらりとした着用感を楽しむことができるスウェットシャツに仕上がっています。

The H/G SORTED SWEAT SHIRT is made from a special high-gauge loopback fabric knitted by a well-known Japanese factory. It’s lightweight yet tightly woven, providing a comfortable wearing experience.


This basic design easily fits into any outfit, showcasing excellent craftsmanship. Consider adding this soft high-gauge sweatshirt fabric to your spring wardrobe.




This 2-way tote bag is made from matte nylon fabric and includes mesh pockets on the front and sides. With a wide base, it offers more storage than it seems. You can pull the spindle closure and adjust the straps to use it as a drawstring backpack, making it great for travel.


Imagine a sunny spring day with your favorite drink in the mesh pocket as you head out on a short trip.  No need to worry if you’re out late. It has a small reflective piece on the front for cyclists to reflect car lights when leaning forward.



As the season transitions into spring, it’s time to embrace fresh, lively accents in your wardrobe—just as the greenery begins to sprout anew. With PWA’s diverse range of pieces, enjoy expressing your own version of spring in a way that feels right for you.

次号では、9th CollectionのDelivery 3 & 4をお届けする予定です。引き続き、春の陽気を待つとともに、次のデリバリーアイテムについてもご期待くださいませ。

In the next issue of our JOURNAL, we’ll introduce Delivery 3 & 4 from the 9th Collection. Stay tuned for the upcoming releases, and let’s continue looking forward to the warmth of spring together.

Photo:Aya Ogasawara
Text:Nozomu Miura